2.8 million inhabitants in the Lisbon region (of which 548 thousand in the city).

354 thousand companies (of which 111 thousand are located in the city).

73 billion is the GDP presented by the Lisbon region.

36% is the value that represents the economy of the Lisbon region in relation to the national GDP.

5 million guests a year, more than half of which come from foreign markets, with particular emphasis on Spain, Brazil, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy.

1.6% of the Lisbon region’s GDP in R&D expenditure.

More than 1⁄4 of the population residing in the city has a higher academic qualification.

146 thousand students enrolled in higher education in the Lisbon region in 2018/2019, with particular emphasis on business, health, engineering and social and behavioral sciences.

29 thousand students graduated in the year 2018/2019, in higher education in the Lisbon region, with particular emphasis on the areas of health, business and social sciences and engineering, responsible for more than 56% of these diplomas.

89 Higher education establishments and polytechnics (public and private) in the Lisbon Region.

140 research centers.

3 science and technology parks in the Region (Lispolis, Taguspark and Madanpark).

17 business incubators.

Source: Lisbon City Council – Municipal Directorate of Economy and Innovation. Lisbon in numbers 2020.